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Our Work

Backpacks for Mexico is an outreach that provides backpacks full of supplies for kids in Mexico, meeting the physical needs of children who are living in poverty. Phil’s brother Ron and his wife Kristy are missionaries in Rosarito and they connect us with kids who need these supplies. In 2015, 35% of the population of Rosarito was living in moderate poverty. Today, there are people without access to sewage systems or a water supply or electricity network. Our backpack campaign seeks to relieve the financial burden for families by providing supplies they would normally have to buy. We also want to put a smile on the beautiful faces of Rosarito.



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Every year we watch for good deals on backpacks and school supplies and buy as many supplies as we can. We also receive donated items from friends to fill up the backpacks. (cart loads of backpacks at Walmart)

The backpacks are filled with hygiene products, school supplies, and lots of fun things for kids like hair bows and nail polish or a deck of cards and a toy. Each kid also gets a blanket and a stuffed animal… and a prayer that God will meet their needs and lead them to saving faith in Jesus.  (Example of what is inside the backpacks) We stuff the backpacks as full as we can!

Each fall, we load up the backpacks and travel to Rosarito, Mexico. We can fit 150-200 backpacks in a mini van. We unload the backpacks at the headquarters on the US side of the border and Phil’s brother and family bring them across the border a few at a time. (Headquarters stack of backpacks, van load of backpacks)


While in Mexico, Ron and Kristy find neighborhood churches to host a Christmas party in December. The parties are filled with fun and celebration. They play games, break a pinata, present the gospel, and hand out a backpack to each child. It’s wonderful to see the smiles on their faces as they open their backpacks. (Lots of pictures of happy kids.) The parents are thankful for the help and the kids are overjoyed to receive a fun Christmas present. They eagerly look through their very own backpack and smile at all their special gifts.


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“Thank you very much for the blessing of the gift backpacks with gifts and surprises inside for the children of our City and our Church, God bless you in a great way.”        


 Calvary Chapel Hermosillo- Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico



Thank you to all our donors who make this ministry possible. Investing in the next generation never goes to waste. God promises in His Word, “Who is like the Lord our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth? He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes, with the princes of his people. — Psalm 113:5-8.

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